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    IS 108 Demo Web Site - Citations

    Shelly, Gary B,; Cashman, Thomas J.; Woods, Denise M.; Dorin, William J. (2007).    
    HTML Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Fourth Edition. Thomson,
    ISBN-13 978-1-4188-5937-4

    Huneker, James (2004). Chopin: The Man and His Music. Project Gutenberg - EBook #4939    

    Peebles , P. J. E. (1993). Principles of Physical Cosmology. (pp. 6, 91, 96). Princeton,    
    New Jersey :Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-01933-9

What does COLEDB mean or stand for?       To Top

      COLEDB is an acronym for

      COL Eclectic DataBank

      Some Definitions:

      col n.
      (1) A pass between two mountain peaks or a gap in a ridge. (2) A short ridge
      connecting two higher elevations or mountains; the pass over such a ridge.

      eclectic adj.
      (1) Selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources,
      systems, or styles: an eclectic taste in music; an eclectic approach to
      managing the economy. (2) Made up of or combining elements from a variety
      of sources.

What is the point of this Web Site?       To Top


      This databank is intended for the pleasurable use of its visitors. It contains
      information from many sources applying to many different topics. Additional
      information, opinions, and other suggestions from visitors to this site is
      hereby solicited and encouraged.

What are the plans for this site?       To Top

      Future plans for the COLEDB web site.

      COLEDB's home page currently has "email", "FAQ", "Cartoons", "Art", and
      "Programming" subcategories. Plans for future buttons include "Physics",
      "Engineering", "Robotics", "Piano", and "Philosophy". If you are interested in
      something that is not already planned for or if you'd like an estimate of when
      these additional topics will be available, please click on the "Email" button
      on the Home Page and tell us about it. We will get back to you quickly with the
      information you have requested.

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