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Embedding YouTube Video Files       To Top

Embedding a YouTube video onto a web page is as easy as cutting and pasting.
When you visit a site that hosts videos, such as YouTube, you are presented with a video box on the page.
You can watch the video directly on the page, or the Flash player allows you to view the video full screen,
just by clicking a button on the player.

How much does it cost you in bandwith or in money to add a video from YouTube to your site? Nothing.
They provide the service, and they also provide the bandwidth, so the video is hosted on their servers
and uses their bandwidth! Hard to beat a deal like that!

How do you do it? When you locate a video you'd like to add to your page on YouTube,
look to the top right (usually in two small form fields) on the page.

One form field is labled URL, which is the address of that page itself. The other is labled Embed,
and by simply clicking your mouse within that field, all the text in that field is highlighted.
You then right mouse click in that field, and select Copy from your browser's drop down that will
appear when you right click in the field.

Embedding Music Files       To Top

Embedding music files was done differently than the video files were. In fact, the music files
are not embedded at all. I've simply used anchor tags such as:

<a href="PATH-NAME_OF_THE_MUSIC_FILE" target="_blank">

Where you replace the "PATH-NAME_OF_THE_MUSIC_FILE" with the actual path and name of the file in question.
Along with the "_blank" target, this has the action of opening the music file up in a separate window.
The only remaining job is to select the music files you need and upload them to your site.

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bulleted list (2 of 2)
3rd of three forms (validated with Javascript)
External Style Sheet
Links within a page
JPG images