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Piano Tuning and Repair


Tuning and Repair      To Top


Piano Tuning / Repair Esitmator
Please select the type of service you need below and the estimator will generate expected cost to you!

Service Needed Select the types of service(s) that you are interested in:
Hammer Voicing
New Dampers
New Bridle Straps
Sound Board Repair
Seven Point Inspection and Estimate

    Your Estimate --- :

Request Information
Please fill out this form and a representative will contact you to make an appointment.

Personal Information
     Last Name: First Name:

Street Address:

          City: State: ZIP:

E-mail Address:

Briefly describe your concern or intererst here.

Thank you for your interest.

Frederick Chopin      To Top

frederick Chopin
frederick Chopin
frederick Chopin

Video Files

Audio Files (MP3)

The Revolutionary Etude Waltz in A minor Op34-2 Nocturne in C sharp Etude No3 in E minor


Project Gutenberg - Chopin by James Huneker

External Style Sheet
Internal Style Sheet
Links within a page
Two Forms
   One Form Validated with Javascript
   Javascript support for one form
JPG and GIF images
animated gif (2 of 2)
two DHTML moving images
Embedded Video
Audio Links
Link to external Word document